Contact Debbie at debbiemaya@yahoo.co.uk
Debbie Nagioff (DMS Astrol) is an internationally renowned clairvoyant with a specialist field in reading the energies of soul mate connections. She is the author of the articles "The Twin Soul Connection", "The Twin Soul Waiting Room", "Time Portals", "Synastry", "Love at First Sight" and has recently published an e-book "The Twin Flame and other Soul Mate Connections".
Debbie works as a clairvoyant, writer, hypnotherapist, journalist and broadcaster, and astrologer, having gained a diploma at the Mayo School of aAstrology.
She trained at the College of Psychic Studies in South Kensington and has
worked, for over 30 years as a psychic medium giving private readings.
She was more recently heard as the psychic astrologer, “Madam Debra”,
on the Danny Greenstone Radio Show on BBC Three Counties Radio
and later revived this role on JNET Radio and Vibe 1076 radio in Watford.
NB: There are no guarantees who will come through to a
sitter during a reading. In fact Debbie was astounded to
note that she had "channelled" Cary Grant in a reading for
a sitter who turned out to have been a very close friend of the legendary actor.
Debbie has trained as a past life hypnotherapist and qualified to give virtual gastric band hypnotherapy, hypnotherapy for weight management, smoking cessation, anxiety and artistic blocks.
Please contact Debbie at debbiemaya@yahoo.co.uk for any readings, hypnotherapy sessions either face to face or via skype.
- is available for private
- readings
- will work at party events
- either at private homes
- or offices.
- is available for charity
- events
Debbie says, "The work that I do is not fortune-telling.
I want to make sure people understand that mediumship work gives proof of survival. That is the bottom line.
If spirit have messages to impart, they will come through and give them. I am a firm believer in
reincarnation and the journey of the soul, hence the meeting up of soul mates, karmic soul mates and twin
souls connections and will pick up on this when reading
for someone.
If people want further reading on the subject of soul
mates, I would strongly recommend they read
" When Two Souls Connect " by former television
director, now metaphysical practitioner and
psychic, Steve Gunn , which can
be purchased from Amazon.